Kathleen Passidomo


To resolve any questions about the nature of these two bills that Rep. Passidomo voted against...  I have put together this page which should dispel ANY questions about this bill. 

Here’s the full text of HB 277 – the Abortion bill changes


The following are screen captures from the full text PDF of the bill showing the main additions to the existing law covering abortions in Florida.


These first two sections are definitions of terms: 

Definition of "Partial-birth abortion"

Definition: Partial Birth Abortion

Definition of "Viability" 

Definition of Viability

Here’s the actual restrictions on abortions…


Next it discusses the exceptions…  basically 2 physicians need to certify a medical emergency or substantial health risk to the mother.  If you read only the text that is NOT underlined, you can see that the old language was very vague and left room for almost anyone to obtain an abortion by claiming mental health concerns.


 24 hour waiting period:


Saving infants born alive after a botched abortion: 

Infants born alive

There is a choice!  Elect Peter Richter


Political advertisement paid for and approved by Peter Daniel Richter, Libertarian Party of Florida, for Florida State Representative